Got Grindz

The student food journal - food for your thoughts?

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About Us


Got Grindz is a school food journal app so that your kids can give feedback about what they're eating at school. The app is easy to use, we're like the Instagram of school food journaling. Students can share pics of school meals, what they think about them, give suggestions on what they'd like to eat. Our mission is to help track school foods data so that school administrators can make healthier culturally responsive food plans.

Feature: take a picture

Take a Picture

We're the Instagram of school foods. Take a picture of what your meal looks like to share your opinion.

Feature: Form Submission

Give Feedback

Fill out the form to describe your meal. Does it look good, smell good, taste good? Let us know how it made you feel!

Feature: Foodfeed

Scroll through a Foodfeed

Look at the feedback other students are giving by scrolling through the foodfeed feature.

Feature: View Posts

View Posts

View feedback and see what other students are saying.

Feature: Admin View

Admin View

As an administrator, look at data in convenient and easy to use charts. Also look at student submitted feedback to see what the top or bottom rated foods are.

Admin View

View student submitted feedback forms of student meals in neatly organized graphs to easily view food preferences

Interactive Forms

With lots of room for feedback (both negative and positive) there is plenty of room for students to be heard

Mobile Optimized

We recognize that this application would be best suited for mobile so students can eat and rate on the go!

"I was on a team with a 17 year old girl who had a traumatic brain injury and one of her learning objectives (to facilitate independence before she turned 18) was tracking and rating her meals and snacks. This app would have been SO great because she LOVED Facebook and Instagram... she was always so bored with writing and it was also challenging because she had a kind of dyslexia that spell check was great for. We used scales for a lot of our kiddos and the format you have is just so much more engaging than pencil and paper!"

Kau'i Regalado

Analysis No Ka Oi

Got Grindz is a fun app that also allows a great view of quantitative and qualitative data! It can allow basic people see a correlation between their meals, their feelings, and the analytics behind it!

William Schultz

AP Statistics Teacher

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